Everyone I know hates Javascript. Including people who do it professionally.
I hate Javascript. I long for the day where it's been completely destroyed in favor of something else, I don't even care what. Typescript and Dart both look really promising, though I question whether either will ……
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The "learn to code" meme has gotten so strong that even our President was weighing in on it late last year: I love his message, I do. I think kids should be learning to program games. I love what code.org is doing and the idea of the "hour of code". We absolutely need more programming ……
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A friend posted on Facebook this video of a baby using an iphone with the tag "If there was ever any doubt that the iPhone interface is so intuitive that a baby could use it, here's proof."
I replied "The problem is the UI doesn't mature beyond that age group", to which she replied "Why should it?" ……
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Couple of Hacker News/proggit articles worth combining today: "where my mouth is" and "RBS Mainframe Meltdown: A Year On". The first article is about a long-time LISP guy who has bet his company on using Clojure. The second is about how the Royal Bank of Scotland has had a complete computing ……
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There's been a ton of flap about some presentations made at TechCrunch "Disrupt", deservedly so. The "Titstare" presentation has generated the most backlash. There's also the "Circle Shake" presentation. ValleyWag has the details on them both, in case you haven't heard already.
Enter these into the ……
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Once upon a time, long long ago -- i.e. 1995 -- rotisserie chicken was a huge business.
The trend was started with Boston Chicken (now Boston Market). The idea was making a healthier, classier, more expensive alternative to fast food. The original founder of Boston Chicken bought the idea and ……
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A couple days ago on Hacker News, the thread about Chrome's security for stored password erupted and culminated with one of Chrome's security mavens posting responses. Within that chain, he posted this quip:
I appreciate how this appears to a novice, but we've literally spent years evaluating it and ……
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I've been known to say silly things like "everyone must learn to code" and " STEM education trumps all other education". BUT, hear me out on this one. The future is pretty clear: the knowledge-worker economy. In the future, people are never cogs. We've automated everything cog-like, long ago. The ……
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Previously: On Windows 8 (January 1, 2013) I upgraded to Windows 8.1 preview on my home machine. It's an improvement over 8.0, for sure. The ability to actually scale Metro apps dynamically finally makes me feel like Metro has finally reached the equivalent capabilities of System 7 . Maybe even ……
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In the wake of the PRISM scandal, many have wondered about the trust we give to corporations that mine data. Do we trust AT&T with those same phone records? Do we trust Google with the knowledge of everything that's in our mind (by way of evaluating our searches?)
I feel fairly confident ……
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